Home | Products | Easy | DYNAMITE Hammer Mills


Our hammer mills were developed based on firsthand experience with waste wood processing plants. The vast range available allows you to adequately respond to any customer request. It is possible to process wet and dry materials without any limitation in terms of minimum or maximum quantities.

Operating principle

The material is fed in through the top opening into the refining chamber, where a series of wing hammers is hinged to a set of shafts that turn at high speed. The material is processed until it reaches the correct particle size, and is then extracted through the grilles and sent to the next machine. The Dynamite series of hammer mills is equipped with reversible processing hammers, steel anti-wear collision plates and screening mesh with various diameters or slotted holes.

Our hammer mills are a guarantee thanks to the use of high quality materials, the balancing accuracy of the rotary elements and the simple maintenance of the components most prone to wear. All of this thanks to 30 years of experience achieved in collaboration with major companies in the field of panel preparation, which demands standards of high strength of the machinery and homogeneity of the final product.

Main characteristics

  • Structure built with thick reinforced sheet metal
  • Installed safety devices
  • 100% designed and built in Italy
  • Simplified maintenance operations
  • Suitable for continuous operation
  • High quality components

Technical specifications

Installed powers (kW) 7,5 7,50 - 18,5 18,5 - 30 37 - 55 55 - 90 90 - 250 250 - 355 400 - 500
Loading inlet size (mm) 150 x 220 197 x 240 197 x 440 260 x 700 260 x 900 280 x 1074 300 x 1200 580 x 1500
Rotor Ø (mm) 420 640 640 540 540 1000 1500 1800
Hammers 18 20 40 82 108 192 360 440
Weight (kg) 450 550 860 1700 2000 4300 12000 18000
Dimensions in millimetres (mm) 1160 1200 1520 2130 2330 1690 2040 2700
540 740 740 860 860 1300 2080 2540
640 1110 1110 1308 1308 1515 2045 2790
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